Our Place of Deeper Worship

Welcome to our chuch

"Gloria in excelsis Deo et pax hominibus bonae voluntatis."
- We love You with the Love of the Lord

Upcoming Events

October Group Recollection

Our October Activities shall indeed be spiced up by some moments of Daily Group Recollections each day.

Votive Moments with the Holy Spirit

Our Charistmatic Faithfuls shall be leading us in active participation in the Upcoming (September 2023) Program

our programmes

We are excited to enjoy our programmes with you and your family! Check out our vast list of programmes fashioned to help you fellowship better, learn and grow spiritually.

OUr Outdoor Events And Camps

Our Church outdoor programmes are a breath of fresh air, quite literally! These unique and invigorating events offer an exciting escape from the traditional four walls of a church building. Join these vibrant church programmes outdoors